The Oakland Post Enquirer from Oakland, California (2024)

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The Oakland Post Enquireri

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THETOStKIIIRER Amusem*nts Pure 12 Yo ir Service Pure 13 Classified Ads Puces Comics Paces 14 15 i Puzzle Pace 14 Editorial Pare 20 i a Pare idler Pare 12 inance Pure Manzine Pare 13 Pare eeler face 20 tauio Pare 13 Raima Deadlines Puce 15 Society Pares 1 17 sorts azes 11 Vital Statistics Pare IS Weather Pare 11 Winchell Pace 13 Weather orecast Cltir today tonicfat and TuesdayitT mtrnnt hiefa fo Warrorr Tuesday loderale westerly winds in afternoon (Weather table pare 11) I IJ 8 bi iepi1 Sa ved Hit bv Suicide Plane NEW BLOWS ROCK JftPAN cc Nip Cities International News Service and United Press wire and cable reports Potsdam si Pas been increased the several was extensively ii In Crash Japan (Turn to page 2 column 3) Marriage to WAC Revealed BERLIN July 30 (INS) Capt she and Captain Schultz were mar jt about 100 we ceremony III Vl4'nri Bott' tionvi am hopeful that we ran get it whether any tax vHatkms were through congress before winter1 involved during the afternoon earlier declaration this with absolute the hands of our Seaman Killed LAVAL LEAVING SPAIN LONDON July 30 A Reuter's dispatch from Madrid re ported today that Pierre Laval Vichy premier of rance was leaving Spain by plane Deny Resignation Of Greek Premier July 30 (ihs) The Greek ministry of information emphatically denied today that Prime Minister Petros Voulgarls had tendered his resignation to Archbishop Damaskinos the re geht the Japs 650 enemy aircraft and sunk MXVe were married by the civil authorities on July MUs as far a A San Pablo merchant seaman was killed when his motorcycle hit the side of a car driven by Duane Horner 22 son of Richmond Police Judge Horner police reported today our oth ers were injured in week end traffic accidents Dead is Ralph Walker 22 of 1432 Sutter street San Pablo He was killed instantly when his motorcycle crashed into car Sunday morning at 13th street and Esmond avenue Richmond officers said Horner who Jives at 241 15th street Richmond was released pending completion of the Inves tigation police reported body was removed to the Wilson Kratzer funeral chapel where attempts are being made to contact his wife believed living in New Mexico Cronin 52 of 4550 Dublin boulevard Hayward and his wife Theresa 53 were injured in a traffic accident last night five miles north of Dublin on the Wai nut Creek road Cronin suffered an injured left knee Mrs Cro nin sustained an injured chest and cuts and bruises Both were ENQUIRER HOME EVI 1 Ura WASHINGTON July 30 (INS) Brig Gen Elliott Roosevelt second son of the late president has asked for release from active duty in the army air forces it was disclosed today i Gen Arnold commanding general of the AA revealed that the request has been filed but no action has been taken if application Is granted it will mean that for the first time in five ycare he will again don civilian clothes PROBE IS MADE Roosevelt's financial transac tions Involving the settlement of several huge loans have been un der investigation by the house ways and means committee and the senate finance committee A $200 W) Joan from John Hart ford president of the Great At lantic and Pacific Tea company in 1930 which zwas settled for $4000 In 1942 was revealed seven weeks ago The two congressional commit tees have been probing Roosevelt's financial transactions to determine irst Wife Says: 'She Can't Have Him' CHICAGO July 30 Mrs Ruth Schultz 23 who has re ceiver! word that her 26 yeaf old husband Capt Carl Schultz of the 1st air borne army was married to a WAC sergeant in a civil cere mony in Germany declared to day: want this WAC to under stand quite clearly that she can't have him under any circum stances still my husband and I'll stand back of him worried for him because he's been through a lot of mental strain If he could get home everything would be all right" Their two children are Priscilla Louise 16 months whom Captain Schultz never has seen and red erick Carl 3 years i 'Cc 1 1 Burglars Nab Hens Turkeys Berkeley burglars as poultry hungry as the rest of Metropolitan Oakland today had 15 chickens three turkeys and $150 in cash from two separate raids Police reported that the 15 chicken haul was" made nt the home of Mrs' Lena Emcldi 1733 Tenth street Berkeley dur ing the week end Mrs Enieldl said that other chickens In the rear coop some older and some younger were overlooked Those taken were of the best eating size two to three months old she told police The turkeys cash and an unde termined amount of liquor to wash down the poultry was netted In a raid early today on Stan's restau rant 1265 Eastshore highway Berkeley police said Officer Williams discov ered the place had been entered through a side window at 4:42 a today she and Captain Schultz were mar Ithe two of us were concerned ried in a civil ceremonv in Zehl nlanned to make opr home endorf although they had planned gether only after the military a formal wedding yesterday In Chicago Mrs Rose Schultz said that she ts tne wife of the captain and mother of his two chil dren Captain Schultz meantime was tentatively detained by army officials According to Zehlendorf rec ords he signed himself as a wid ower for the marriage ceremony with Sergeant Koulouvaris The decision on whether or not Schultz committed wilful bigamy hinged largely on whether he can produce a letter or telegram tell ing him that his wife was killed in a traffic mishap as he claimed Sergeant Koulouvaris said thatCaptain Schultz told her that his Roosevelt who Is now at the family home on the Hudson river near Hyde Park has ac cumulated 278 points toward dis charge during live years of army service Roosevelt was commissioned a captain in the specialist reserve on Oct 7 1940 serving at Wright field Dayton Ohio On Aug 25 1912 he was appointed com mander of the third photographic group In North Africa After a tour at Washington AA headquarters he was detailed on eb 17 1944 to 8th air force headquarters in England and sub sequently served as commanding officer of the reconnaissance wing His last assignment was at Wash ington headquarters THPEE MEDALS The senate approved his promo tion to the rank of brigadier gen eral on Ian 20 1915 after a brief flurry of criticism which center 4 about charges of alleged favorit ism Roosevelt hasbeen awarded the distinguished flying cross tne air i medal and the legion of merit' He also was made cammander of Oufssam Alaqulte by the sultan ofMorocco surrender (International News Staff Correspondent) a a an in the whistling in the dark in all but six of the 11 cities lighted by the' promised fires of 29s joined Premier Kan taro Suzuki tonight (Tokyo time)' in a chorus of disdain for the Potsdam uncondi 1 tional surrender ultimatum Suzuki who blandly asserted that empire aircraft production SfoiTHE POS Minister 'CHUNGKING July 30 China shook up her cabinet again today remov ing Soong from his po sition as foreign minister but he retained his post of premier Soong was replaced by Dr Wang Shih Chieh former minister of information There was no indication whether the move had any diplomatic Im plications Soong Is in the midst of complex negotiations with Mar shal Stalin and was expected to return to Moscow after the big three meeting at Potsdam The Soong Stalin conferences were In terrupted when Stalin had to go to Potsdam In addition to Soong the min ister of agriculture and forestry Shen Shiah Tsai was removed and his duties undertaken by Ku Ching Kang minister of social affairs The changes were ordered by mat the report did not reveal his the executive Yuan destination This Essex class ship I dainage1209 Jap ships (Additional pictures story on or page 1) uinciai navy pnoio num tnt i Plows iioios RERTIN Jlllv 30 (INS) Carl Schultz declared today that matter what action my first wife Ruth may take nothing can ever change my feelings to ward Captain Schultz who faces big mm duly Uildlges d3 1C3UU Uk a marriage to WAC Sgt Kanella Koulouvaris while Mrs Ruth Schultz of Chicago claims he still is married to her reiterated his declaration of affections for the young WAC want mare than anything else in the world to clear the name of the most wonderful person I have ever had the pleasure to meet said Schultz TO CLEAR NAME am rpaHv anvfhiniz a2vaxii stt moi and anyone In doing so I sin lwife died in an automobile acci cerely hope to clear the name of dent on May 12 1945 They met the WAC sergeant She has noth in England last December she I LI 1 IHg UV mill IH dll'l I'l HI SdlU cent of any besmirching of her Sergeant Koulouvaris said that Koulouvaris added Elliott Roosevelt Asks or Air orce Discharge Pledge To rance Revealed July 30 '(UP) ormer Premier Edouard Herriot testified today at the treason trial of Marshal Henri Phillippe Petain that President Roosevelt prom ised rance material aid from America before the armistice with Germany was signed in 1940 know Mr Roosevelt was con vinced that he one day would ask the United States to enter the Herriot said in mustering arguments of the rench republi cans against the armistice which Petain negotiated PETAIN ILL Petain himself was suffering from an acute attack of laryngitis Judge Pierre Mongibeaux re vealed In announcing that session of the trial would be shortened The strain on the 89 year old marshal was becoming more evident daily Herriot president of the cham ber of deputies when rance col lapsed was an imposing figure I on the stand As he worked up to an oratorical fervor he gestlcu lated passionately waved his I arms and shouted: "I believe In liberty equality 1 and fraternity They are in the best traditions of rance But the (Turn to page 2 column 2) By Yanks GUAM July 30 More than 1000 a i planes' blasted and burned a 300 mile stretch of central Japan from Tokyo to the 1 great Osaka Kobe industrial I area today the twenty first i day of an offensive softening 1he enemv homeland for in vasinn Radio Tokyo said the raids be gan at 5:30 a and still were going on after 3 eight and a half hours later Before dawn American and British battleships and other 3d fleet units set fire to the Jap anese Industrial center of Hama matsu roughly midway between Tokyo and Kobe with a bold pre dawn bombardment from only six miles offshore NEW ASSAULT Tokyo broadcast said surface units also shelled the southeast part of Kii peninsula below Ham amatsu after the main bombard ment American and British carrier planes of the 3d fleet opened their new assault on central Japan at dawn with attacks on transport air fields and military targets in the Tokyo area a Pacific fleet communique announced A dispatch from Vice Adm John McCain's carrier task force disclosed that the aircraft extended their at tacks from the far side of the Tokyo plains southwest to a point beyond the big port and industrial center of Kobe 60 AIRDROMES HIT Within the area lay burning Hamamatsu the aircraft manu facturing city of Nagoya and Osaka Japan's second largest city and biggest war production center The task force dispatch said the principal targets included 60 air dromes and their satellite landing fields Radio Tokyo said the main weight of the assault was directed against the capital and adjacent prefectures Air fields war fac tories communications and ship ping were hit by five waves totalling uu pianes morning and early Tokyo said SIXTH WAVE A sixth wave of planes attacked the Tokyo area in the late afternoon a later en emy transmission said Tokyo said 200 other allied planes including 51 Mustangs from I wo raided the Osaka and (Turn to page 2 column 3) HARD HIT The carrier Intrepid hit by a Jap suicide I and steamed to San rancisco where she was repaired I her smashes against plane burns at sea The gallant ship survived her wounds and refitted She is back in action today ready to resume prevtously destroyed quoted by the Tokio radio over which he did not make a sched uled broadcast to the Nipponese nation OICIAL STATEMENT The statement put ting the official stamp on earlier utterances of other Japanese spokesmen said that far as the imperial government of Japan is concerned it ill take no of the allied ultimatum Thus wth their leader appar ently intent on ordering national suicide the Japanese Dome! agency quickly whipped out a so called in the sympos ium in support of the premier The Domei dispatch quoting in terviews assertedly conducted by a Tokyo newspapers declared that the allied proclamation to "sur render or be destroyed" will the Japanese people to even greater determination to fight the war to the bitter TYPICAL INTERVIEW Typical of those allegedly inter viewed was a school teacher quoted in the CC monitored broadcast as branding the ultima tum and calling on the government for But Suzuki already had passed to the militar ists w'ith the that leave confidence in The premier who could quote figures on the 10 percent decrease in food consumption to prepare ourselves for a long could refer to claimed under ground factory increase in aif (Turn to page 2 column 5) Shelled Bombed Soong Out as Parley Ending By Robert Nixon InlernnUnnal Correinondtnt) POTSDAM July 30 (INS) big three meeting Potsdam wan said today to be in its last hours with President Truman planning to return directly to Wash 1 ington from Europe 'Ihe conference is now In Its ihli teentli day and major decisions reporte'ily have 1 en reaehtj They concern the future Germany well a European problems which will come up at the peace conferenio Mr Truman Is ci'pctcrf to ily te an unnamed European poll as soon as the confers ire vtlnds up There be will board the crtilMtr USS' Augusta and ixtjrn ilhectly to Washington by sou TO HURRY HOME This report would rule out tle visit which British quarter? the president was expected to make to London Considerable speculation contiii tied over the meetings relatten ship to the far eastern war (CBS Correspondent Edward It Murrowsald In a hnr71C35t front" Condon prlncihal negotiators has nt: jit country will go to nnrl It Is understood that i decisions already had reached last Wednesday when Air C'a 111 Anthony Eden and (Iwuefit 'R Attlee now prime inlater fteV back to Ixmdon After Churchill was defeated the conferences were continue so that the new prime minister could express bis opinions of the decl slons and give Generalissimo Stalin and Mr Truman an outline i of the labor party a expected pol Ictes IN LAST STAGES Unofficial reports Indicated that the meeting was in Its last stages It already has lasted longer than I he previous big three meetings at Teheran and Valta A report that General Elsen hower Marshal Zhukov and ield Marshal Montgomery soon would begin their duties as the joint al lied government of Germany was interpreted as one of the initial accomplishments of the confer ence Job Bill I Hearings Start By Raymond Wilcove (International News Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON July 30 1 (INS) Senator Wagner (D) New York declared today i that 20000000 postwar jobs must be found for the na I servicemen and civilian war workers as senate hear ings opened on full employ merit legislation The preliminary hearings got under way before a senate bank ing and currency sub corrimittce presided over by Wagner The New York senator warned that the United Nations charter could not be successful without assurance of continuing peacetime employ ment MUST ACE ISSUE We must face the prospect he stated that 20 million or more able bodied adults will be released from the armed forces and from immediate war production shall need to maintain" he emphasized average postwar annual income for the nation al most twice as high as in the so called prosperity year maintain full employment after the war" he added shall need jobs for at least seven mil lion more persons than had jobs bi the last year before the war this means at least 13 million more persons than had jobs in the banner year Large scale unemployment after the war would disaster" he maintained we must conquer unemployment or unem ployment will destroy our free should act with prompt said Wagner of the possibility of a sudden end of the Japanese war and because of cut backs which are creating un employment We should be ready when private enterprise Is not providing jobs to step In with pub lic projects to fill the TRUMAN BEHIND IT The senator predicted that Presi dent Truman will throw his active support behind the full employ ment bill and pointed out that the program has been endorsed by Secretary of the Treasury Vinson Economic Stabilization Director Davis and oreign Economic Ad ministrator Crowley bearings will be completed in said Wagner I Vol 24 No 181 OAKLAND CALIORNIA MONDAY JULY 30 1945 5 Shakeup Hits Chinese Cabinet Captain aces Bigamy Charges 4 H' if A VW AS X' 'V 'WW A 141' Tn i Br I 'V I 4 I TT: i K'S vv AVV A xvv vv vvA VX XXVV vX Nvvv I 'i 1 a Jan sui A KI A.

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Name: Delena Feil

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